Treating Options for NSCLC Patients

First Class Intelligence Reports to Solidify Your Strategy.

The ongoing flow of information and the pace of technology today is extraordinary, but the resulting increase in complexity for life sciences companies to keep up with the rapid industry demands. Where do your products and your pipeline fit? How will the future landscape evolve? Answering such pressing questions necessitates gathering vital knowledge and expert advice. 

Sample of what this Intelligence Report contains:

  • 50% of surveyed experts felt that PROpel established PARP inhibitors as the standard of care for HRRm-positive mCRPC

  • 30% of surveyed experts felt that the impressive efficacy in the BRCAm subgroup could have driven the efficacy in the all-comers population
  • 30% of surveyed experts had concerns about the tolerability of olaparib + abiraterone in the real-world setting 
NSCLC Patient Report

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