Noetic Insight TeleCongress Logo

30 or 60-Minute Blinded Teleconference, Pre or Post Congress, to Discuss How the Data Presented May Be Later Incorporated Into General Practice

What Is the Value of Tele-Congress?

Personalized Panels

Timely access to experts.

Clinical Impact

Opinions can be on your data or a competitors’.

Rapid Insights

Can curate from existing panel of experts or recruit for a fee.

"Turnaround time was amazing and the quality of candidates was well worth it"

Marketing VP

Client Achieved Launch Excellence

Noetic Tele-Congress Enables Teams to:

Evaluate marketplace dynamics.

Gain feedback on clinical trial development.

Assess the competitive landscape.

Understand how the data will impact clinical practice.

Our Process

Step 1

Input question(s) in the portal

Step 2

Attach abstract slides for reference

Step 3

Quickly receive blinded expert responses!


Email NoeticInsight to gain answers to your questions and to learn more.

Get in touch

Please leave your information and we’ll reach out within 24 hours.